Master Suite | Salomen House

Master bedroom with a private bathroom and dressing room, all designed under the same criteria of comfort and habitability, always working with natural textures. We used wood as a principle warm accent, light tones on the walls and white marble textures in the bathroom cladding.

This space is a part of the integral interior design of the Salomen House, a house designed in a contemporary style with simple lines, without bold concessions to aesthetics, always seeking maximum convenience and liveability for the entire family.


Master bedroom with a private bathroom and dressing room, all designed under the same criteria of comfort and habitability, always working with natural textures. We used wood as a principle warm accent, light tones on the walls and white marble textures in the bathroom cladding.

This space is a part of the integral interior design of the Salomen House, a house designed in a contemporary style with simple lines, without bold concessions to aesthetics, always seeking maximum convenience and liveability for the entire family.
